Celebrating Impact: Heartfelt thanks for global contributions to the Concentrix Giving Back Campaign

A heartfelt thank you to the Think Human Fund ambassadors and game-changers for their invaluable contributions to the Concentrix Giving Back Campaign!
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Explore our new projects and let’s make a difference together!
Supporting young adults from orphanages with Hope and Homes for Children

Young adults who leave state care are one of the most vulnerable groups that have to manage on their own, after spending years in the child protection system.
Escaping Chronic Poverty with Education

The observance of this day can be traced back to 17 October 1987 when over a hundred thousand people gathered at the Trocadéro in Paris to honor the victims of poverty and violence.
Happy World Creativity and Innovation Day

Today we celebrate the power of human ingenuity and imagination to shape the world for the better.
Empowering students through entrepreneurship and job creation projects

Entrepreneurship can offer opportunities to young people from challenging backgrounds for several reasons:
International Youth Day with Dignity for Children

Every year on August 12th, the world comes together to celebrate International Youth Day—a day dedicated to honoring and uplifting the voices, aspirations, and potential of young people around the globe.
How Artificial intelligence can improve mentorship programs

Think Human Foundation is a partner of Global Mentorship Initiatives, which focuses on mentoring programs for disadvantaged youth.